Went to gym yesterday…..o(^^o)o(^^o)(o^^)o(o^^)o <--to exercise like this..heehee...
N guess what…… I have worked out for 2 straight hours~ ^0^
clap clap clap~~
Unbelievable.. joined gym more than a year..going to be 2 yrs now..
But I hardly visit the place.. it’s like……donating money to Fitness First for their further growth.. ^^
But yesterday after work, quickly rushed to the gym..
Had one hour of body step and another hour of Body Jam..
Mom and kae were flying…really they could jump up n down up n down non-stop for an hour during body step class..whereby..i was about to faint… I was heavily panting..and it was so hard to make any more movement… My Gosh.. I’m the youngest but I look the stupidest … Really need more exercise… for health and to ton up my body… felt like fatties are invading my body now…
After an hour of vigorous body step class..joined body jam…well..half forced by my mom.. the class was fun..but could hardly follow their rhythm or steps… was standing at the very back… there’s a girl who came to talk..asking me whether it was my first class cuz it was hers… ^^: so embarrassed… I just said “yes..this is my first class”
What the heck.. actually was in body jam classes for few times..but yah..well…less than 10 times..but still not FIRST timer… I guess I was really horrible that she thought I was the first timer too…
Should visit gym more often…….. =)
Now whole body is aching.......T.T
hehe..go for a gym arr..i also wan~~let me beg kit to pay the fees for me 1st..hehe..can't affort lerr...Do gym is good..but maybe not every1 can take it..for me..i also donno my interest will last for hw long..haha...Gampathe oh hayanna!!
hayanna's gym photo --> o(^^o)o(^^o)(o^^)o(o^^)o
well, it's good that you finally take a step into the healthy lifestyle ^__^
the 1st feel time will be looking weird and hard to cope up, you'll get used to it soon \(^0^)/
Ju-On Waz Ere
hey shirley here...
good job...keep it up gurl~!!
work out in gym more often and sure you'll tone down your body shape.......!!!
^o^ enjoy exercising!
heh... i still prefer rpm, so dark... nobody can see me. ^_____^
Shirely and Juon..thanks for your support..
Freddie..RPM..^0^.. tried once..that was my first and the last..
even harder to cope... =P
Cathy..if you get FF membership.. pls subscribe for passport membership..
u can come down to my gym to exercise together with kae n me time to time.. \(^o^)/
nunu also long time never exercise...^_^"
should live a more healthy life but stupid nunu is very lazy...
should u move ur butts to gym if i were to introduce some leng cai in the gym? lolz
you mean intro those gays? >_<
OooOops.. i mean..leng luis..lolz...
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