Monday, December 13, 2004

Blogging n a confession to make..

start Blogging.. wELcOme tO thE WoRLd of blogging..
intially,despite the idea of having blog.. i'm hooked on's so fun..~!

Well..would like to give big thanks to CupidCupid and Freddie for their help n support.. bez of them, now i come this far to manage my own blog.. if not them, i could see my self keep shouting omg..omg... Thanks a lot once again~ *~gracias*~ (corrected by freddie also..puhahahaha)

Not sure how long my craze abt this blogging thing will last.. might be few weeks or few months.. but hey.. loving it at the moment..

Confession was deleted... due to some reason..^^


kaien said...

evil... evil...

Cupid x2 said...

lolz ~!!! hayanna, U ARE BAD !!!
pity ur boss...

freddie said...

muahahah... don't even let your boss/colleagues see this blog! remind us not to ask you to do anything when you look busy. :D

btw, adios is "good bye". i believe you wanted to say "gracias".

hayanna said...

corrected....*blushing blushing* so dumb~ hahahaha

凱西 said...

haha..u've done a good job hayanna!!haha..i wish my MD would ask me to bring him a glass of water then i'll get chance to put some poison in..haha..